We started Migrant Voice in 2010 because there was a huge debate taking place about us, without us. We were scapegoated and faced hostility. We were not going to remain silent: we began speaking for ourselves with other migrants on the issues that affect us to challenge the debate and transform society.
Migrant Voice is a migrant-led national organisation building a community of migrant voices to speak for ourselves and call for justice for all. We put migrant voices at the centre of the migration debate by developing the skills and confidence of migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees across the UK.
We speak out in the media, on public platforms, in communities, on the streets or in cultural settings to create positive change in society: countering xenophobia, forging new ties, running campaigns, strengthening communities, influencing policy and bringing justice.
Our regional hubs cover London and the South East, the West Midlands and Scotland. Our members include both migrants and Brits. We welcome anyone who believes in a society where migrants and refugees have full equality to join our network.