So whats it all about?...
It's all about...
Trying new experience you wouldn't otherwise have experienced...
With friends you wouldn't otherwise have met...
You can learn new stuff and...
You can put something back into the community...
It's not just local, it's a worldwide club.
There are approximately 600 tables active in the UK…. of which Hastings is for certain one of the most active and unique!
Our main focus each year is to deliver the Hastings Beer and Music Festival - officially the biggest social event in the area! It is through this event that we raise tens of thousands of pounds to inject straight back into the community. We do this via a meeting once a month over dinner, and vote on the applications that are presented to us.
There is nothing more rewarding than being able to support these local worthwhile causes and make a childs/adults/parents day with the news!
With all the work involved in arranging such a fantastic festival, we make sure we have some fun a long the way! We regularly meet for social events, host family BBQ’s, attend various local community events and get out of town for some sporting activities at times.