Large garden, relaxed happy atmosphere. Good Ofsted inspection November 2023. Offering 3 x 5 hour sessions for 38 weeks of the year or 3 x 4 hour sessions over 50 weeks of the year. We are offering the EYEE 30 hour funded spaces.
£7.30per hour for 3-4years and £7.70 for 2 years, also babies £7.95 an hour. Bring a packed lunch. NHS discount. We also offer space under the EYEE 2/3/4 year olds funding and 30 hours funding.
Mon-Fri 8.00am-6.00pm, 50 weeks.
Early Years Educational Entitlement (EYEE)
Registered for 9mo - 2yr old EYEE funding
Registered for 2 year old EYEE funding
Registered for 3/4 year old EYEE funding