The Dementia Support Service is provided by the Carers Breaks and Engagement Team countywide.
Our Dementia Post Diagnostic Services offers long term support to people living with Dementia, their families, and carers. We visit adults and carers in their own homes and work with them to promote choice, safety, and independence to live well with dementia and encourage individuals to make informed decisions for their future needs.
We operate Monday – Friday
We support individuals to apply for Attendance allowance / Council Tax reductions.
We work closely with health professionals, and ASC.
We undertake face to face carers assessments and reviews.
We support individuals to access community activities /groups.
We work closely with Know dementia , who provide memory cafes countywide.
We provide support and guidance to all adults who have had a formal diagnosis and their carers where they may;
be hard to engage.
have complex needs.
be unable to engage over the telephone.
require several face-to-face contacts.
be at risk of the caring role breaking down.
If you live in East Sussex and are living with dementia or caring for someone with dementia you can contact Health and Social Care Connect (HSCC) to be referred into the service/or via your GP.