Care and support is the term used to describe the help some adults need to live as well as possible with any illness or disability they may have. It can include support with things like:
getting out of bed
washing and dressing
getting to work
accessing education, training and volunteering opportunities
seeing friends
being part of the community.
You can access help and arrange care yourself or for friends and family without having to contact us. However, if you think you have care needs you can complete a self assessment to find out if you are eligible to receive social care support from us.
Complete a self assessment
If you think you have any care and support needs, you complete a self assessment. It is an opportunity to tell us about your situation and discuss your care needs, so we can understand things from your point of view and see if you are eligible for care.
Following an assessment, we can only provide social care support to those who are eligible and most people end up paying for some or all of their own care.
The quickest way to get an assessment is to fill out the online referral form, but if you need to speak to us: