This service is available to people living in East Sussex and West Sussex.
The Life Transitions Service can help you plan for your future.
A life transition is any significant change you face as you go through life. As you approach later life, this can include things like:
Moving home
Changes in health and/or mobility
Family separation
Becoming a carer
Planning for a bereavement
Finding new interests
Feeling lonely
Managing a different level of income
Some changes can be exciting, and others can be daunting. You will feel more in control and more likely to achieve the outcome you want, if you plan ahead and think about what you need to know and do. Having support to think about these things can be a helpful way to start the planning process.
There are two ways you can receive support from the service:
You can have one-to-one support sessions with a trained volunteer. We can offer in-person sessions if there is a volunteer in the area you live. We also offer online sessions.
You can download our free mobile app that can help you plan independently.
If you would like to discuss having a conversation with one of our volunteers or receive support with using the Life Transitions app, please get in touch using the telephone number or email address provided on this page.
To download our free app, you can click on the links below or scan the QR code in the gallery at the bottom of the page: