01424 724004
Family Hubs and Youth Hubs across East Sussex are organised into areas. East Hastings Family Hub is in the Hastings and St Leonards area.
FREE activities to support your child’s learning and development
FREE drop-in activities (Hastings and St Leonards)
After school clubs (Hastings and St Leonards)
Antenatal classes
Free antenatal support is available for all first-time parents across East Sussex.
Contact the Antenatal Team for more details: Antenatal Classes
Your Health Visiting Team
Contact your Health Visiting Team if you are concerned about
Or for more information on:
Who is my Health Visiting team, and how do I contact them?
Family Learning courses
Family Learning courses are free for parents and carers. They help you give your child a positive start in life. They also support your child's learning and development at home and school.
We offer a range of courses both virtually and within centres.
If you are interested in Family Learning please call us on: 01424 724004
We have a dedicated page describing the benefits of volunteering.
If you are interested in volunteering call to speak to our Volunteer Coordinator. Or email us your details.
Chiltern Drive, Hastings TN34 3PZ, UK
01424 724004
Last Updated on 13th June 2024
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