Our befriending service for East Sussex residents who are aged over 55 and feel isolated. The service involves a weekly call and lasts up to 26 weeks, although there may be specific occasions where a physical meet up will be appropriate and available. A key element of what we want to achieve with this service is to support the client to become better integrated into their community and ultimately less reliant on this service as they will no longer feel isolated.
How the service works:
Referrals can be made by a third party or directly by the client.
Once referred the client will be contacted by our Befriending Coordinator who will explain the
service and agree further actions.
A volunteer befriender will then call from a withheld number at a mutually agreed day and time
(we will of course tell the client in advance who will be calling).
You can refer to this service by emailing or calling, or filling in our online referral form