The society was founded in 1974 in order to ensure that the footpaths in the parish are kept open and waymarked, for the benefit of those who wish to enjoy the 72 miles of footpaths in this very pretty location.
Since that time there have been regular monthly working parties which cut back summer growth, repair stiles, clear obstructions and waymark the paths. Wherever possible, the work is undertaken in cooperation with the landowners and East Sussex County Council.
The society leads monthly walks around the parish, and nearby, to enable people to become familiar with the local paths and to give an opportunity for a sociable occasion for those who enjoy a walk.
The walks are usually about 4 miles in length and are suitable for all ages. Family groups are particularly welcome.
We hold an annual lecture meeting in November at which there is a visiting speaker to talk about a country or local topic.
A newsletter is published twice a year which gives details of the society’s activities.