Ripe Nursery School is split over 2 settings, The Nest (9 months – 2 years old) and Ripe (2 years old to 5 years old). Ripe is further divided into 2 rooms, Little Owls (2-3 year olds) and Wise Owls (3-5 year olds). The Nest has the ability to split ages groups as needed with Owlets, ages 2 years to 2 years 6 monthsfor little ones needing more time to transition to our older classes. We provide a nurturing environment that meets individual needs of each child, what ever their stage of development. Children flourish when they are happy, interested and engaged in play situations. Our warm friendly environment helps children to settle quickly and grow in confidence, and our ‘Key Person’ system enables staff to plan exciting activities based on the children’s interests, needs and progress. We work in partnership with parents/carers to give the children the best possible start in their early years.
Early bird from 8am to 9am £8.50, Morning school is 9.00-1.00 (a maximum of 3 hours can be funded in this session – the remaining hour is charged at £9.00) Hot lunches are provided by Zebedees and are included in the lunch hour for £12.50. Afternoon school 1pm-4pm 1,2 and unfunded 3 year olds - £8.50 per hour
8am to 4pm, 9am to 1pm Moring school, 1pm to 4pm Afternoon schooll
Early Years Educational Entitlement (EYEE)
Registered for 9mo - 2yr old EYEE funding
Registered for 2 year old EYEE funding
Registered for 3/4 year old EYEE funding