What’s new in ESCIS

We have listened to feedback and changed the way ESCIS works.

Table of Contents

What's new in ESCIS

We have improved the way in which people can search ESCIS.

You can now find organisations that are close to your location by inputting your address, postcode or town.

You can reorder the search results by “nearby” (distance), alphabetically or date order.

If you are looking for a particular term surround it by quote marks e.g. “Seaford Handbell Ringers”.

ESCIS Entries

What's new in ESCIS

There are changes to how each entry is laid out.

  • Important information appears as buttons at the top of the page
  • You can contact the organisation directly via a contact form
  • Some organisations show their opening times
  • You can find events that the organisation is running


What's new in ESCIS

Some of the biggest changes are on our event listings, where you can find local events and courses.

  • You can select when the event occurs e.g., “today”, “this weekend”, “next week” or between two dates
  • You can filter events by category e.g., events for adults and older people
  • You can search by distance and order by distance

We have also changed the layout of the event page, so you can see all the details about the event.

Updating your entry

If your organisation already has an ESCIS listing, there are some changes to how you update or add new entries. Please read our help section for further advice.