We ensure that our online domestic abuse recovery groups are accessible by considering various factors to meet the needs of our diverse clients, including:
Digital Accessibility: We recognise that increased demand for on-line services has led to increased access for those with anxiety, disabilities, travel restrictions or caring responsibilities, but has also reduced equality of access for some. If you would like to use one of our services but are currently unable to access them due to lack of devices, Wifi/data or tech literacy, please get in touch and we will try to identify a way of helping you to join us.
Language Accessibility: We're exploring translation services and materials in different languages.
Cultural Sensitivity: Our materials and services are culturally sensitive, and our staff are trained to address cultural differences.
Safe and Inclusive Environment: We establish ground rules for respectful communication and behaviour.
Flexible Group Times: We schedule groups at convenient times for clients with diverse responsibilities, within school hours and evenings.
Privacy and Confidentiality: We protect clients' privacy and confidentiality through secure online platforms.
Financial Accessibility: All our services are free of charge.
Training for Staff: Our staff are trained to effectively support clients with diverse needs and backgrounds.
Please provide feedback on the accessibility of our services so we can make adjustments accordingly.