Advocacy is taking action to help you say what you want, secure your rights, represent your interests and obtain services you need.
Our Advocacy services work in partnership with you and take your side.
Advocacy is free We are a funded service. We do not charge you for advocacy.
Mind in Brighton and Hove Advocacy services offer free, independent and confidential support.
Our independent advocates can support you to speak up for yourself, to help you make your views and wishes heard and support you to secure your rights.
Our advocates can also help to ensure that you have all the information that you need and to make sure you understand information which is given to you to, so that you make decisions about the things that affect you.
What your advocate can do:
Your advocate will be working with you and acting on your behalf.
This might include:
Talking with you to find out what you think and what you want
Helping you to access mental health services and other services
Providing relevant information to help you consider your options
Helping you to ask for changes to your care or treatment
Supporting you to prepare for meetings or appointments
Helping you to tell people what you want or need
What your advocate will not do:
¢ Give you advice or tell you what they think you should do
¢ Talk to people about you without your permission
¢ Make decisions about you on your behalf or about what they think is in your best interests
¢ Withhold information about you
¢ Speak for you unless you ask them to