Beulah Toddlers is a baby and toddler group run for 0 - Preschool age on Tuesday Mornings 10-11.30am during term time.
If you have children under preschool age and you are looking for a place to go where your children can have fun, be safe and you can meet people at a similar life stage, then come along and join us at Beulah Toddlers. We do currently have a waitlist to be able to attend regularly, but we'd encourage you to come along for a trial session and see if our setup works for you.
We have two large rooms which we equip with a baby corner, small world play, ride-on toys, role play areas such as a shop, reading area and often there is craft and singing too. You can enjoy a coffee and meet new friends, or chat to our friendly helpers whilst keeping an eye on your little one.
Beulah Baptist Church, Clifford Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 1QA