Stimulating outdoor adventures, improving quality-of-life and health.
Rides enable people with limited or no access to outdoor activity to cycle regularly. The piloted rides are transformative for participants, their families and carers.
Cycle adventures of 5-25Km per-ride across green and blue spaces make our rides exceptional and effective.
Awarded the MBE for charities. Our small team of just 2 staff and 44 volunteers enable over 4000 rides a year, on an incredibly lean budget we fundraise for every year. All rides are highly subsidised through our fundraising, so are low or no-cost to participants.
We offer two different transformative, quality-of-life services:
1. Elders living in Care: Weekly set-schedule, piloted by our team of trained Volunteer Cycle-Pilots. We collect and return participants to their care home by trike. Pilots are trained in disability and dementia support skills and provided with ongoing support.
2. All-Ages Accessible Rides: We train carers/friends/family to cycle-pilot these. Enables, often for first time, riding together. Bookable via website. Adaptable, suitable for complex needs and hoist available.