The Uckfield Art Group is a friendly, supportive group of keen artists who get together once a week to create in any medium they wish. All levels are welcome; first-timers, returners, hobbyists, regulars and professionals, aged 16+.
We meet on Tuesday evenings, from 7-9pm, in the centrally located Luxford Centre, just off Uckfield High Street, near the Picture House.
Membership is £38, paid twice yearly. This covers the cost of the hall for the weekly sessions, insurance and the two art shows, usually held at the beginning of June and November. There is a small charge for tea/coffee and biscuits on the regular meeting nights. We occasionally have demos and plan group trips to exhibitions such as the RA Summer Show, Lewes Art Wave and other local events.
Potential members may attend two free evening sessions before becoming a paid-up member, so come along and meet us.