Assessment and Planning (A&P) handles the delivery of specific statutory responsibilities. These responsibilities relate to the special educational needs and/or disabilities of children and young people. A&P works with those aged from 0 to 25.
A&P works with:
children and young people
colleagues across education, health and social care
A&P's work includes, but is not limited to:
Co-ordinating the Education Health Care (EHC) needs assessment process.
Writing, issuing, and amending EHC plans.
Identifying appropriate education provision to meet the needs of those with EHC plans.
Naming an appropriate education setting in an EHC plan.
Completing the annual review process.
Liaising with education settings about their statutory responsibilities. These are in the Children and Families Act 2014 and the SEN Code of Practice. Education settings include early years providers, school provision, and post-16/training providers.
Working together with families and professionals.
Ensuring a co-ordinated and person-centred response to identifying and meeting need.
Completing the Phase Transfer process (for children and young people that transition between key phases of education).
Attending Mediation in conjunction with an independent mediation provider.
First-tier Tribunal (SEN and Disability) oversight.
Besides statutory duties, A&P offers the following:
Providing advice and support to parents/carers, young people, and educational settings.
Monitoring SEND provision to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
A&P does not provide direct educational support in the way that other ISEND services do.
Please let us know your needs. We can arrange meetings in accessible buildings and will arrange an interpreter or information in a different format if you need it.