Please contact the organisation for information
We would love to welcome you to one of our Sunday services. Our main Sunday Services take place at 10.30am, where there is a supervised creche for pre-school age children and classes for children in Reception – year 9. More information about these can be found on our website.
We have a range of midweek groups which meet and believe these are a great way of meeting other people in Hailsham and making some new friends.
During term time we have a very popular Toddler group (ABCs) that meets on Thursday mornings from 9.30am, 2 midweek youth groups (YouthZone - years 6-9+, and Salt – years 9-13) as well as other groups for children/youth. Additionally, we run Holiday Clubs for Children (Easter & Summer).
There are various groups for adults to join including a Craft Group which meet on Wednesday mornings and Meeting Point which is a monthly group for adults that includes a talk from a visiting speaker plus a time of fellowship and friendship for anyone, old and young alike.
We also run a Christianity explored course if you are interested in finding out more about the Christian faith.
Hailsham BN27 1BJ, UK
Please contact the organisation for information
01323 442410
Last Updated on 3rd January 2024
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