The centre is a busy place in the Hangleton area of Hove. We offer a different array of activities and facilities from Birthday parties to Groups meetings at a low cost. The centre is accessed by many local residents and is home to a number of community-run groups.
In Shape For Life - Fun fitness session & healthy living advice
Little Ducklings Pre School
Sama Karate - Karate for Adults and Children
Short Mat Bowls Club - Short Mat Bowls is an indoor version of the popular lawn game that is played on felt mats that are a shorter length than outdoor lawn bowls.
Standing Tall - Standing Tall is a friendly, falls prevention exercise group which meets weekly with the aim of increasing fitness, strength, balance and confidence.
Lucy-Lu Fitsteps with YOU! Fitsteps class
Sussex Keyboard Lessons - Beginners to Advanced Keyboard Lessons – All Ages
50+ SocialPing - Want to meet like-minded people? Need a bit of exercise?