The Rother Seniors’ Forum (RSF) is an independent organisation which gives a collective voice to the over fifties of Rother District, helping them to influence decision-makers on issues which impact their everyday lives.
RSF is strictly non party-political, and will work with anybody, including members of political parties, to the benefit of all Rother Seniors and to further the aims and objectives of the members.
Forums are run by older people for older people, all members are volunteers.
All people over fifty are welcome to join regardless of ethnic backgrounds, disability and sexuality, religious, cultural or political beliefs.
What is it for?
Rother Seniors’ Forum decides its own agenda and takes up issues at local level as well as working with other seniors’ forums in East Sussex, promoting an ‘older voice’ at regional and national levels.
Its aim is to encourage older people to share their views and raise concerns so that their voice will be heard in the planning and provision of services and facilities locally, regionally and nationally.
How does it work?
The Forum is valuable to the residents of Rother District because as it grows in membership, it will influence the local authority and others.
This enables the Forum to get involved in planning and reviewing matters, thus setting up a two-way flow of information, thus benefiting the community.
What else?
Forums look to develop friendships and relationships that help break down social isolation. It also provides older people with an avenue to continue to use their skills and encourage them to develop further. A forum is also very useful for circulating information more widely.