St Alban's Church, Frant, is part of the Parish of Frant with Eridge, which is in the Deanery of Rotherfield, which, in turn, is in the Diocese of Chichester.
Frant is a village located just under 3 miles to the south of Tunbridge Wells.
There are two churches in the Parish, the other being Holy Trinity Church in Eridge.
Our community weekday activities take place in The Stables (our Church hall) and vary in age related activities.
These include:
Baby and toddler group: We meet Tuesday mornings during term time 9:30 - 11:30am. Come and join us, we'd love to see you for playing, chats, coffee, craft, singing and more!
Coffee morning: Every Wednesday morning, 10:30am until 12:00 noon. Everyone is very welcome.
Youth group: For school years 6 to 13, every Friday evening during term time.