We are a club for adults with learning disabilities based at the Bexhill Youth and Community Centre every Monday evening from 6.30pm-9pm (closed in August).
We have approximately 100 members ranging from 16 to 81, each week we can average about 50 attendees. All members pay £1.00 per week subs and in return they get a cup of tea and a biscuit. We also have a subsidised tuck shop with snacks and soft drinks available.
We have discos, quiz nights, bingo, games evenings, entertainment, pool competitions and sports in the lower hall.
Every year we hope to have one full day outing to a local attraction. We also go out for Christmas dinner and we go to the pantomime in Eastbourne.
We are totally voluntary, and as with all groups we are always looking for volunteers and funds.
Bexhill Youth & Community Centre, 10 Station Road, Bexhill, TN40 1RE