i-go is a register and FREE leisure discount card. It is for people 0-25 with additional needs living or studying in East Sussex. This could include learning, physical, or social, emotional and mental health needs. A diagnosis is not always necessary.
The top 3 benefits of joining the register include:
Improved and Targeted Services
The information from i-go helps our teams build a clearer picture about the need for certain services. We use this information to provide better and more targeted services for families.
Exclusive Access to over 100 Offers and Discounts
Families who are on i-go have access to all the available discounts from i-go partners. i-go currently gives cardholders access to over 100 offers. The offers include discounts for eating out, activities, leisure and more.
Have Your Voice Heard
Being on i-go is an easy way to get involved with feedback and evaluations. You don't have to get involved, but being on i-go makes it easier for you to help us help your family in a more impactful way.