Entrance on church street by sign for 'Parsonage Farm Business Centre'. Rural setting, family owned. Outstanding Ofsted June 2022. 5 star food hygiene rating. EYEE, Tax Free Childcare, childcare vouchers, Pupil Premium.
3 months to 35 months - £93.50, 36 months+ - £88 for a full day, 8am-6pm. 3 months to 35 months - £71.50, 36 months+ -£66 for a school day, 9am-3pm. Term time and all year round options available. EYEE, Tax Free Childcare and childcare vouchers accepted.
Mon-Thurs 8am-6pm & Fri 8am-5pm. Open 51 weeks, closed Bank Holidays. Early start available.
Early Years Educational Entitlement (EYEE)
Registered for 9mo - 2yr old EYEE funding
Registered for 2 year old EYEE funding
Registered for 3/4 year old EYEE funding