Dedicated team of friendly, qualified and experienced staff promote a ‘positive play’ ethos. Sessions are a mix of child-led and planned activities. Based in the beautiful ARK room and enjoy use of the brilliant outdoor playground area and gardens as well. Variety of fun activities such as creative arts & crafts, baking, gardening, den-building, football, imaginative play, drama, lego, k’nex, reading, sports and lots of games. Healthy, nutritious snacks and drinks every day, catering for various dietary requirements and preferences.
£12.50/13.50 (discounts available).
Monday to Friday 3-6pm - 3 weeks in Summer Holidays 8.30am to 3pm additional hours up to 5pm
Wraparound childcare
Wraparound childcare is before and after school childcare for primary school aged children in England. The provision typically runs from around 8am until 6pm, during term time, either on a school site or another local setting such as a community centre, a nursery, or a childminder. This is different from out-of-school activities, or school clubs, which are less frequent and can be a one-off activity.