Kinesiology works in Eastbourne
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Kinesiology is a wonderful and non invasive holistic therapy that is suitable for all age groups including children. Kinesiology uses muscle testing to identify imbalances within the body. These imbalances can cause the body to display symptom such as headaches, asthma, allergies, Irritable bowl syndrome, depression and low energy. The muscle testing provides a unique and sensitive diagnostic tool that takes the guess work out of reaching your optimum health and is commonly known for its positive results when used for Allergy and nutritional testing. Any imbalances detected are then treated using a combination of techniques, these may include, firm reflex massage, acupressure, emotional stress release techniques, nutritional supplements, gentle structural realignment, Bach flower remedies, allergy testing and much more.
Clinic held at: Physio plus 18 Gildredge Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4RL
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Last Updated on 21st February 2025